Mammalian ependymin-related protein 1 (Q99M71)

Uniprot ID Q99M71
Protein Name Mammalian ependymin-related protein 1
Gene Name Epdr1
Species Mus musculus (Mouse)
Signal peptide(a) Y Secretome P(b) 0.914
GO - Molecular function
  • calcium ion binding : IEA:InterPro
GO - Biological process
  • cell-matrix adhesion : IEA:InterPro
(a) The Signal peptide D-score cutoff for "YES"(having signal peptide) is 0.45.
(b) Non-classically secreted proteins should obtain an NN-score(Neural Networks score) exceeding the normal threshold of 0.5, but not at the same time be predicted to contain a signal peptide.