Gliomedin (Q80WL1)

Uniprot ID Q80WL1
Protein Name Gliomedin
Gene Name Gldn
Species Rattus norvegicus (Rat)
Signal peptide(a) N Secretome P(b) 0.0
Function Ligand for NRCAM and NFASC/neurofascin that plays a role in the formation and maintenance of the nodes of Ranvier on myelinated axons. Mediates interaction between Schwann cell microvilli and axons via its interactions with NRCAM and NFASC (PubMed:16039564). Nodes of Ranvier contain clustered sodium channels that are crucial for the saltatory propagation of action potentials along myelinated axons. During development, nodes of Ranvier are formed by the fusion of two heminodes. Required for normal clustering of sodium channels at heminodes; not required for the formation of mature nodes with normal sodium channel clusters. Required, together with NRCAM, for maintaining NFASC and sodium channel clusters at mature nodes of Ranvier (By similarity). .
GO - Molecular function
  • protein binding involved in heterotypic cell-cell adhesion : ISO:RGD
GO - Biological process
  • clustering of voltage-gated sodium channels : ISO:RGD
  • heterotypic cell-cell adhesion : ISO:RGD
  • microvillus organization : ISO:RGD
(a) The Signal peptide D-score cutoff for "YES"(having signal peptide) is 0.45.
(b) Non-classically secreted proteins should obtain an NN-score(Neural Networks score) exceeding the normal threshold of 0.5, but not at the same time be predicted to contain a signal peptide.